Video Details Preparation of SU-35 Fighter with Hypersonic Missiles

SU-35 with Hypersonic Missiles. Photo: with Hypersonic Missiles. Photo:

A video recently released by the Russian Ministry of Defense reveals the meticulous details of preparing a multifunctional SU-35 fighter for an aerial patrol. The footage clearly shows an R-37M air-to-air hypersonic missile being equipped on the fighter.

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The designation R-37M is used for a modernized variant of the missile, also known as RVV-BD (Raketa Vozduh-Vozduh Bolyshoy Dalnosty, or Long-Range Air-to-Air Missile). The range of the R-37M exceeds 200 km and it can achieve hypersonic speeds of approximately Mach 5. This missile is carried by modernized MiG-31BM interceptors, in addition to multifunctional fighters Su-35S and Su-57.

According to the video, the crews of the super-maneuverable multifunctional Su-35S fighters, equipped with thrust vector control, conduct aerial patrol missions in the special operations zone 24 hours a day.

R-37M Missile: Capabilities and Performance

SU-35 with Hypersonic Missiles. Photo: Missile. Photo:

The R-37M represents a significant advancement in Russia’s aerial armament capabilities. With a range exceeding 200 km, this hypersonic missile offers a strategic advantage in long-range aerial combat, being capable of reaching speeds that make it difficult to intercept by enemy air defense systems.

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Operations with the SU-35

SU-35 with Hypersonic Missiles. Photo:
The Su-35S fighters are known for their super maneuverability and capability to perform a wide range of missions, including air superiority, interception, and ground attack. Equipped with the R-37M, these fighters can engage targets at great distances, ensuring a formidable presence on the battlefield.

Source and images: Russian Ministry of Defense ( This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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